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If you're offended by any word in any language, it's probably because your parents were unfit to raise a child. - Doug Stanhope

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Offense Takers

Offense Takers

Probably should have done this one first, to shield off all the shit heads. By offense takers, I literally mean: people who take offense. To anything. Anything. I don’t care what it is that has been said, any person that takes offense and gets upset by anything said or done by another human being needs to re-evaluate themselves.
          My point being, why are you actually being upset by whatever it is that’s being said? Nobody can honestly say they don’t know why they get upset about something. Either, the statement or action makes you sad or angry. Both are not logical. Example: somebody calls you a name. I don’t know, spunk bubble or something. And that gets you upset. Why should it get you upset? One: It’s only a word. It’s no different to them, calling you an orange. So stop fucking making a big deal about it. In the case of spunk bubble, you should be laughing at them for being so shit at insulting people.
          It’s all about honesty really. If you are honest with yourself, it’s really difficult for anyone to offend you in any way. If your fat (which by the way is not an insult, it’s just a state of body mass.) and you look at yourself and know your fat, then other people calling you fat shouldn’t come as a surprise. Therefore not “hurting you feelings”. However, these people that stand in-front of the mirror, and are clearly fat, lie to themselves, and then carry on eating four McDonalds a day are obviously going to be upset when some jock calls them a killer whale. And it’s their own fault. I know a person (not naming names and that) who has been informed that their child is obese. And they’re like: “Oh these doctors don’t know what they’re talking about. He’s naturally big boned. If they saw what he ate they wouldn’t think he was obese.”
The kid is 8, and he is bigger than me.
I shit you not.
These are the people that get offended by something as stupid as being called fat. Idiots.  The other side of taking offense is if you are angered by a statement or action. This is easily dealt with. How can something somebody says honestly make you that angry? Think about it, the most there comment means is that they have an opinion. And so fucking what? They don’t like your hat? So? You shouldn’t give a shit. What difference does it make if somebody doesn’t like your hat? Unless you’re dressing to impress them specifically. In that case: You clearly don’t understand that person’s taste, so you should probably target somebody you know a little better,  and it serves you right for being so desperate to impress somebody you’d wear something out of your ordinary taste.
          The world would be a better place if people just faced up to themselves and stopped taking unnecessary offense at stupid comments. We’d all be happier. And rap battles wouldn’t exist. COME ON PEOPLE! WE CAN IRRADICATE RAP BATTLING FROM EXISTENCE. Why would you pass that up.

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