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If you're offended by any word in any language, it's probably because your parents were unfit to raise a child. - Doug Stanhope

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Sit Coms

Now I love comedy. Situation comedys, if they are done properly, are fantastic, and it is a personal goal of mine to get into writing comedy at some point. 

But when half-arsed "comedians" put these jester like shows together it's an embarrassment to their careers, and our intelligence. 

Catherine Tate is a prime example. Most of her shit is just terrible catchphrases being shouted at high volume by hyperbolic characters, I don't think I have ever actually laughed at anything on The Catherine Tate Show. How can anyone find that funny?

"Ugh... am ah boverd?" No Catherine, I don't suppose you are bothered. Because we haven't been bothered ever since you showed your fucked up ugly mug on our TV screens. Little Britain was better, but still absolutely cringe worthy. How hard is it to get a fat guy in a dirty shirt to get out of a wheel chair and jump in a pool? About as hard as stamping on a kittens head, and just as funny. 

They don't want comedic respect, or to force people to understand the jokes. There's no work on the audiences part. Writers are expected to spoon feed audiences with these shows and it's fucking sickening. You might as well let kids watch it. It's the CBBC version of comedy, and they're happy with that. 

No shame, no shame in this lowest common denominator comedy. Just taking three days to write a shitty script and put on a shitty outfit just to make some Jeremy Kyle veteran, doll queue hero, 5 kid parenting 19 year old piss themselves for half an hour. Your parents must be so proud. 

Good comedy is full of intelligence, irony and forethought. Not sloppy observations and annoying characters screaming desperately at the camera gasping for any laugh they can get. 

And don't even get me started on Mrs. Browns Boys. 

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