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If you're offended by any word in any language, it's probably because your parents were unfit to raise a child. - Doug Stanhope

Saturday, 22 June 2013



The creation of Rugby made easy. Somewhere off in a distant Welsh land:

James: “Alright lads, fancy a kick about?”
Gareth: “Yeh definitely, What about you dave?”
Dave: “Ummmm..... I’ve got a better idea.”
Gareth: “What? What can be better than football dave? It’s the best sport ever!”
Dave: “Well.... I thought instead of kicking the ball, we’ll just.... carry it and run.”
Gareth: “You have our attention dave, continue.”
Dave: “Well, we’ll try and run to the other end of the pitch?”
Gareth: “It’s sounding good dave, sounding good. How will we get the ball off of each other?”
Dave: “Umm.... just run into each other?”
Gareth: “That’s a plan.”
James: “Um... wont that hurt?”
Gareth: “Don’t be such a pussy James!”
Dave: “Right, let’s play!”
James: “Quick question, How will we know where the pitch ends?”
Dave: "Oh my god James, it’s one thing after another with you. We’ll put big fuck off forks at either end alright. That good enough your majesty?”
Gareth: “Getting real tired of your shit James.”

Might have got a few of the minor details wrong, but I’m pretty sure that’s near enough right. All it is, is men trying to prove how hard they are. Big gorillas of men running at each other and just slamming shoulders together. That’s not a sport, that’s a fucking riot!

At least in American Football they have those pads and armour and shit, our guys just run round with a gum shield and kick the shit out of each other for a couple of hours. It’s mental.

And then you see these rugby players with the most beautiful women ever. How does that happen? They’ve always got cauliflower ears and half their teeth are missing. And they’re always 12x bigger than their misses. I feel like they’re gunna hug them and snap them in two.

Oh drat I’ve killed another wife. Arthur, get me one of the Kardashian’s numbers would you. Such a waste.”

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